Marty Seaman

Marty Seaman

Executive Vice President, RRS

Marty Seaman, Executive Vice-President of Business Development, has 37 years of developing and growing sustainable recycling programs, collaborations, and businesses. For the past 17 years he has been a shareholder, principal and member of the executive leadership, helping drive the 10x growth and impact of Resource Recycling Systems during that time, currently serving on the RRS Board of Directors and its Executive Committee. A recycling practitioner, Marty has led programs that innovated co mingled automated curbside and multi family collection, statewide voluntary e- scrap collection, regional comprehensive HHW programming, and market development. Marty is expert in utilizing resource contracting and incentitives, cooperative problem solving and collaboration to derive economic benefit from environmental challenges and opportunities. He has utilized strategic planning, policy development, communications, and community acceptance protocols to initiate advanced programs and industry innovations. His current focus includes strategic management and multi-stakeholder collaboration, including supporting the Foodservice Packaging Institute, and other national associations as well as ushering in the next generation of leaders at RRS.